Roller i WordPress

Der findes forskellige niveauer af brugere i wordpress. Nogle kan slette og uploade billeder – andre kan ikke.

Jeg har lavet en simpel figur som viser hvad de forskellige roller kan og ikke kan. Læg mærke til at abonnenter kan lige så meget eller lidt som udefra kommende gæster. Med andre ord: Kun kikke.


Jeg kan ikke redigere et indlæg – teksten forsvandt

Det er som bekendt ikke altid at det går som præsten prædiker, men ikke alle fejl skyldes fejl i det system man anvender. Heller ikke selv om det er WordPress.

Hvis der er noget som ikke fungerer, og tilfældet med teksten som forsvandt, kan det betale sig at finde ud af om det eventuelt bare er Internet Explorer som lever op til sit kælenavn: Internet Exploder.

Det første du kan gøre er at trykke på fanen “Tekst” som er lige til højre for fanen “Visuel” øverst til højre i editor vinduet. Fanen tekst vil få editoren til at vise de egentlige HTML koder.
Det er underordnet hvad der står, men du burde kunne genfinde hvad du har skrevet. Trykker du så igen på fanen “Visuel” forsvinder alt som dug for solen.

Hvis det er tilfældet og hvis du anvender “Internet Exploder” så har du nok det problem som dette indlæg handler om.
Her er hvad du kan gøre ved det:

  • Download og installer Firefox, Safari eller Chrome. Det er en gratis browser som er meget brugt. Hvis det løser problemet, så kan du vælge at standse her og bruge FireFox eller du kan fortsætte med de næste forslag.
  • Opdater din “Internet Explorer”. Det er langt fra sikkert at du har den sidste nye
  • Afinstaller alle dine “Internet Explorer”. Du kan nemlig godt have flere. Windows er noget rod på dette punkt. Når du har gjort det så installer “Internet Explorer” igen.

Det sker desværre/heldigvis så sjældent at jeg ikke har meget dat omkring dette problem, men heromkring er alle problemer neutraliseret så det håber jeg også er tilfældet for dig. Ellers lad mig det vide så vi kan få mere viden samlet omkring dette emne.

PDF filer til download

Ofte er der brug for at inkludere en PDF fil som folk skal kunne downloade.

Det kan være indbydelser og lignende men hvad er den bedste metode?
Tja det afhænger vel af hvad du kan lide, men her er hvad jeg gør:

PDF filen uploades til medie biblioteket. Og så kan man jo lave en link til den. Det kan dog gøres på mere end een måde. Som eksempel anvender jeg indbydelsen til DM for begyndere og klubspillere.

Simpel link: Her er indbydelsen til DM for begyndere
Dette laves ved at sætte markøren efter “indbydelsen til”
og trykke på “Tilføj medier” knappen.
Herefter vælges PDF filen i oversigten og der vælges “mediefil” i feltet “Link til”
Når der klikkes på linket så downloades PDF filen og vises.

DM for begyndereBrug af billede som link:
Jeg synes det ser pænere ud, men det er altså smag og behag.
Til dette bruger jeg et screen-shot program. Der findes mange. Det jeg anvender hedder MWSnap og findes her: MWSnap. Direkte download her.
Jeg starter med at tage PDF filen op i Adobe Reader og scalere til 25%. Så tager jeg et screen-shot og lagrer det.
Derefter oploader jeg begge filer – altså både PDF filen og screen-shot billedet. Dette sidste er jo det jeg skal bruge som “knap”.

Her kommer magien så: Jeg skal bruge URL til PDF filen og den kan jeg få fra WordPress.

Jeg trykker “Tilføj medier” og vælger PDF filen.
URL står i feltet “URL” utroligt nok. Det kopierer jeg for det er det som billedet skal pege på.
Derefter vælger jeg det lille 25% skalerede billede.
Nederst kan jeg angive hvordan billedet skal fungere. I dette tilfælde vil jeg gerne have billedet ud til højre – det er justeringen. Så vil jeg ave billedet til at pege på PDF filen så PDF filen bliver loaded hvis der klikkes på billedet. Det gør jeg ved at vælge “Tilpasset URL” i “Link til” drop-down menuen. I feltet som først nu bliver adderet lige nedenunder angiver jeg det URL som skal bruges. Det er det URL på PDF filen som vi kopierede før.
Finito – tryk “Indsæt i indlæg” og du har billedet i stedet for en flad link.

Turneringskalender: Events Made Easy

Se videoen – det er det nemmeste:

Indholdet af den box som styrer knap genereringen er:

(su_button url=”#_EVENTPAGEURL” target=”blank” background=”#0000ff” center=”yes”)#_EVENTNAME(/su_button)<br/>

Udskift parenteserne med skarpe parenteser. ( til [  og ) til ]

Plug-ins: Hvilke plug-ins har vi, hvad laver de og hvordan bruger man dem?

Det er en stor omgang og det er muligt at denne post skal ændres, men nu prøver jeg.

Her følger listen af plug-ins som er installeret lige nu og nedenunder er en mere udførlig beskrivelse af dem. På engelsk desværre:
[plugins_list format=”#LinkedTitle# – #Description#

Plug-in type: System betyder at vi anvender dette plugin, men at du ikke har nogen indflydelse på det. Bruger betyder at du kan anvende det aktivt i indlæg og design.

Agree on a DateArtiss Plugins ListPAPII - Plugin API InfosCW Image OptimizerEvents Made EasyGoogle sitemap pluginHide TitleiframeLazy LoadMeteor SlidesRandom TextRecent Posts Slider Shortcodes UltimateShow PDFSmart Youtube PROStatPressSuper RSS ReaderSweetCaptcha Anti-SpamUltimate TinyMCEUnconfirmedWordfence SecurityWP-CirrusWP-Mail-SMTPWP User Avatar
Plug-in type: Bruger
Error default: description
Plug-in type: Bruger

This is a simple community WordPress plugin aimed at giving credit where credit is due.

The plugin inserts an XHTML list into any post/page through a shortcode. If you’re into customization, you can specify a format argument and indicate the exact output you are after. There’s also an option to display inactive plugins as well.

Key features include…

  • A simple template system allows you to format how you’d like the plugin information to be shown
  • Template tags are available for automatically linked items as well as simple text
  • Choose from a number of pieces of plugin data to be output
  • Display inactive plugins as well as active plugins if you wish
  • Automatically limit long descriptions to specific lengths, and even remove emojis from the output
  • Output is cached to provide a super-quick response
  • A separate shortcode allows you to display how many plugins you have!

Thanks to Matej Nastran‘s My plugins, from which Plugins list was initially derived.

Iconography is courtesy of the very talented Janki Rathod.

Please visit the Github page for the latest code development, planned enhancements and known issues

Getting Started

To get a list of the plugins that are installed and activated in your website, insert the following into any post or page:


You can customise the output specifying the format argument and a number of pre-defined tags. Here’s an example:

[plugins_list format="{{LinkedTitle}} ({{LinkedAuthor}}) - {{Description}}{{br/}}"]

The tags are as follows, all defined within double braces…

  • Title – the plugin title
  • PluginURI – the URL of the plugin
  • Author – the plugin author
  • AuthorURI – the author’s URL
  • Version – plugin version number
  • Description – the plugin description
  • RequiresWP – the minimum required level of WordPress
  • RequiresPHP – the minimum required level of PHP
  • LinkedTitle – the title but automatically linked to the corresponding URL
  • LinkedAuthor – the author, linking to their profile
  • Active – shows ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive’, depending on the status of the plugin

The plugins list can be freely styled with css, just place any class or id attribute on the format string, or on the elements surrounding it.

Using HTML

If you wish to put HTML in your format then you can. However, this can cause havoc in the Visual editor and even causes extra characters to be passed into the output (rogue paragraph tags, for instance). I therefore highly recommend that, if you wish to add HTML, use double braces instead of < and > around your HTML tags – this plugin will correct this before output but it means the visual editor doesn’t try and interpret the HTML.

For example…

<ul>[plugins_list format="{{li}}{{LinkedTitle}} - {{LinkedAuthor}}{{/li}}"]</ul>

The characters will be corrected upon output and you will get a lovely, bulleted, un-ordered list as output.

If you’re using the block editor and need to wrap HTML around the outside of the short code, please see the details further below on the best way to do this.

Additional Parameters

Active & Inactive Plugins

By default, only active plugins are shown, but by using the show_active, show_inactive and show_recent parameters you can change this.

For example, this will show both active and inactive…

[plugins_list format="{{LinkedTitle}} ({{LinkedAuthor}}) - {{Description}}{{br/}}" show_inactive=true]

If you wanted to show just inactive, you’d put..

[plugins_list format="{{LinkedTitle}} ({{LinkedAuthor}}) - {{Description}}{{br/}}" show_inactive=true show_active=false]

If you wanted to show just plugins that are inactive but were recently active, you’d put…

[plugins_list format="{{LinkedTitle}} ({{LinkedAuthor}}) - {{Description}}{{br/}}" show_inactive=false show_active=false show_recent=true]

Link Targets & No Follow

By default links will be followed but you can make these “nofollow” by simply adding the parameter of nofollow=true. For example…

[plugins_list format="{{LinkedTitle}} ({{LinkedAuthor}}) - {{Description}}{{br/}}" nofollow=true]

You can also specify the link target too. For example…

[plugins_list format="{{LinkedTitle}} ({{LinkedAuthor}}) - {{Description}}{{br/}}" target="_blank"]

Truncate the Description

Two parameters exist to truncate the description, so it doesn’t get too long unwieldy. You can specify a maximum number of words or a maximum number of characters using words or chars. Here’s an example of each…

[plugins_list format="{{LinkedTitle}} ({{LinkedAuthor}}) - {{Description}}{{br/}}" words=20]

[plugins_list format="{{LinkedTitle}} ({{LinkedAuthor}}) - {{Description}}{{br/}}" chars=80]

You shouldn’t do this but if you specify both then the shortest one will be used.

By default, if a truncation occurs, ellipsis will be added to the end. However, you can change this by using the end parameter and specifying your own ending. For example…

[plugins_list format="{{LinkedTitle}} ({{LinkedAuthor}}) - {{Description}}{{br/}}" chars=80 end=" [More]"]

Remove Emoji

If you want to remove emoji from the description, use the emoji parameter to achieve this. By default this is true but set to false to have them removed. For example…

[plugins_list format="{{LinkedTitle}} ({{LinkedAuthor}}) - {{Description}}{{br/}}" emoji=false]

Sort by Author

Want so sort the output by author and not plugin name? Just use the parameter by_author. For example…

[plugins_list format="{{LinkedTitle}} ({{LinkedAuthor}}) - {{Description}}{{br/}}" by_author=true]


By default your plugin list will be cached for 5 minutes, ensuring that performance is impacted as little as possible. Use the parameter cache to change the number of minutes. Set this to false to switch off caching.

For example…

[plugins_list format="{{LinkedTitle}} ({{LinkedAuthor}}) - {{Description}}{{br/}}" cache=60]

This will cache for 1 hour. The following will switch the cache off…

[plugins_list format="{{LinkedTitle}} ({{LinkedAuthor}}) - {{Description}}{{br/}}" cache=false]<h3>Using with the block editor</h3>

You can insert shortcodes directly into the block editor without an issue and it will be automatically added to a shortcode block. However, if you need to wrap HTML around it then this will cause issues. The solution here is to add a shortcode block first and then add the whole line into that. The HTML then works just fine.

Plugin Count

A shortcode also exists to allow you to display the number of plugins that you have. Simply add [plugins_number] to your post or page and it will return the number of active plugins.

To display the number of active AND inactive plugins use…

[plugins_number inactive=true]

You can also display the number of inactive plugins by specifying…

[plugins_number inactive=true active=false]

As with the other shortcode results will be cached by default. To change the number of minutes simply use the cache parameter. Set it to false to switch off caching. For example…

[plugins_number inactive=true cache=120]

This will set the cache to 2 hours.

Reviews & Mentions

A default WP credit page would be kind of neat

Plug-in type: Bruger

Ever wanted to display some plugin’s informations on your website ? But you didn’t want to hard code it. PAPII is designed for this. Just use the [papii] shortcode to display informations from the official page.

Plug-in type: System/Bruger

The CW Image Optimizer is a WordPress plugin that will automatically and losslessly optimize your images as you upload them to your blog. It can also optimize the images that you have already uploaded in the past.

Because CW Image Optimizer uses lossless optimization techniques, your image quality will be exactly the same before and after the optimization. The only thing that will change is your file size.

The CW Image Optimizer plugin is based on the WP plugin. Unlike the WP plugin, your files won’t be uploaded to a third party when using CW Image Optimizer. Your files are optimized using the Linux littleutils image optimization tools (available for free). You don’t need to worry about the privacy policy or terms of service because your images never leave your server.

Why use CW Image Optimizer?

  1. Your pages will load faster. Smaller image sizes means faster page loads. This will make your visitors happy, and can increase ad revenue.
  2. Faster backups. Smaller image sizes also means faster backups.
  3. Less bandwidth usage. Optimizing your images can save you hundreds of KB per image, which means significantly less bandwidth usage.
  4. Super fast. Because it runs on your own server, you don’t have to wait for a third party service to receive, process, and return your images. You can optimize hundreds of images in just a few minutes.

Contact and Credits

Written by Jacob Allred at Corban Works, LLC. Based on WP

Plug-in type: Bruger
Error default: description
Plug-in type: System

Sitemap plugin automatically generates XML sitemap for your WordPress website and helps search engines index your blog. Such sitemap file helps web crawlers to extract the structure of your website more effectively.

The plugin supports default WordPress pages as well as custom URLs. It can be also added to your Google Webmaster Tools account.

Improve your website SEO today!

View Demo

Free Features

  • Add the following URLs to the sitemap:
    • Page
    • Post
    • Post category
    • Post tag
    • Custom post types
    • Custom taxonomies
  • Add a path to your sitemap file in robots.txt automatically
  • Add media sitemap
  • Add canonical URLs to pages and posts
  • Set the maximum number of URLs in one sitemap file
  • Connect your Google Webmaster Tools account to:
    • Add website
    • Add sitemap
    • Delete website
    • Get website info
  • Split Sitemap Items
  • Disable automatic canonical tag
  • Add alternate language pages using Multilanguage plugin
  • Compatible with latest WordPress version
  • Incredibly simple settings for fast setup without modifying code
  • Detailed step-by-step documentation and videos

Pro Features

All features from Free version included plus:

  • Add external sitemap files
  • Exclude certain pages or post types from your sitemap file
  • Set the frequency of
    • Your website content changes for all pages
    • External sitemap file update
  • Configure all subsites on the network
  • Add custom URLs to the sitemap file
  • Change Sitemap File name
  • Exclude taxonomies from the sitemap by word.
  • Get answer to your support question within one business day (Support Policy)
  • Edit title and meta description [NEW]

Upgrade to Pro Now

If you have a feature suggestion or idea you’d like to see in the plugin, we’d love to hear about it! Suggest a Feature

Documentation & Videos

Help & Support

Visit our Help Center if you have any questions, our friendly Support Team is happy to help —

Affiliate Program

Earn 20% commission by selling the premium WordPress plugins and themes by BestWebSoft —


  • German (de_DE)
  • French (fr_FR)
  • Japan (ja)
  • Portugese (pt_BR)
  • Spanish (es_ES)
  • Italian (it_IT)
  • Swedish (sv_SE)
  • Norwegian (no)
  • Danish (da)
  • Czech (cs_CZ) (thanks to Michal Kučera,
  • Russian (ru_RU)
  • Ukrainian (uk)

Some of these translations are not complete. We are constantly adding new features which should be translated. If you would like to create your own language pack or update the existing one, you can send the text of PO and MO files to BestWebSoft and we’ll add it to the plugin. You can download the latest version of the program for work with PO and MO files Poedit.

Recommended Plugins

  • Updater – Automatically check and update WordPress website core with all installed plugins and themes to the latest versions.
  • Htaccess – Protect WordPress website – allow and deny access for certain IP addresses, hostnames, etc.
  • Multilanguage – Translate WordPress website content to other languages manually. Create multilingual pages, posts, widgets, menus, etc.


Plug-in type: Bruger

This plugin allows the author of a post or page to hide the title and it’s containing HTML element from the single view ( is_singular() ).

Plug-in type: Bruger

[iframe src=”″ width=”100%” height=”500″] shortcode
should show something like this:

WordPress removes iframe html tags because of security reasons.
Iframe shortcode is the replacement of the iframe html tag and accepts the same params as iframe html tag does.
You may use iframe shortcode to embed content from YouTube, Vimeo, Google Maps or from any external page.

If you need to embed content from YouTube, Vimeo, SlideShare, SoundCloud, Twitter via direct link, you may use [embed][/embed] shortcode.
[embed] shortcode is a core WordPress feature and can embed content from many resources via direct link.

Important: You can not embed HTTP pages into HTTPS pages and vice versa.
So the protocol (http or httpS) for parent and embedded page should match.

iframe params:

  • src – source of the iframe: [iframe src=""]; by default src=”″;
  • width – width in pixels or in percents: [iframe width="100%"] or [iframe width="600"]; by default width=”100%”;
  • height – height in pixels: [iframe height="500"]; by default height=”500″;
  • scrolling – with or without the scrollbar: [iframe scrolling="no"]; by default scrolling=”yes”;
  • frameborder – with or without the frame border: [iframe frameborder="0"]; by default frameborder=”0″;
  • marginheight – height of the margin: [iframe marginheight="0"]; removed by default;
  • marginwidth – width of the margin: [iframe marginwidth="0"]; removed by default;
  • allowtransparency – allows to set transparency of the iframe: [iframe allowtransparency="true"]; removed by default;
  • id – allows to add the id of the iframe: [iframe id="custom_id"]; removed by default;
  • class – allows to add the class of the iframe: [iframe class="custom_class"]; by default class=”iframe-class”;
  • style – allows to add the css styles of the iframe: [iframe style="margin-left:-30px;"]; removed by default;
  • same_height_as – allows to set the height of iframe same as target element: [iframe same_height_as="div.sidebar"], [iframe same_height_as="div#content"], [iframe same_height_as="body"], [iframe same_height_as="html"]; removed by default;
  • any_other_param – allows to add new parameter of the iframe [iframe any_other_param="any_value"];
  • any_other_empty_param – allows to add new empty parameter of the iframe (like “allowfullscreen” on youtube) [iframe any_other_empty_param=""];
Plug-in type: System

Lazy load images to improve page load times. Uses jQuery.sonar to only load an image when it’s visible in the viewport.

This plugin is an amalgamation of code written by the VIP team at Automattic, the TechCrunch 2011 Redesign team, and Jake Goldman (10up LLC).

Uses jQuery.sonar by Dave Artz (AOL).

Plug-in type: Bruger
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Plug-in type: Bruger
Error default: description
Plug-in type: Bruger
Error default: description
Plug-in type: Bruger


Shortcodes Ultimate is a huge collection of useful elements, that you can use in the post editor, text widgets or even in template files.


  • Over 50 gorgeous shortcodes
  • Insert shortcodes in 1 click with Live Preview
  • Supports the Block Editor
  • Seamlessly integrates with your theme
  • Looks great on mobile devices
  • Custom CSS editor is included
  • Developer-friendly with plenty of hooks and extensive documentation

Included shortcodes

  • Posts – allows you to show specific posts anywhere
  • Accordion – simple toggle block to show/hide your content
  • Button – highly-customizable button with multiple styles
  • Lightbox – a lightbox that you can use with virtually any element
  • Image Carousel – beautiful super-customizable image carousel
  • Columns – must-have tool for creating layouts
  • And many more…

Get Help


Try Shortcodes Ultimate Pro risk-free for 30 days. You are fully protected by our no questions asked refund policy!

Upgrade to Pro

Plug-in type: Bruger
Vil blive beskrevet senere.
Plug-in type: Bruger
Error default: description
Plug-in type: Bruger
Error default: description
Plug-in type: Bruger

Super RSS Reader plugin allows you to display RSS feed(s) in an attractive way to your widget. It has options to display multiple RSS feeds separated by tabs in a single widget and has feature to add a news ticker like effect to it. See the features list below for complete list.

The widget is fully customizable with external styles and also has color themes out of the box. It is a perfect replacement for the default RSS widget in WordPress.

Check out the LIVE DEMO of the plugin

✨ Features

  • News ticker – Add news ticker like effect to the RSS feeds (can turn on of off)
  • Multiple tabs – Display multiple feeds in one widget separated by tabs.
  • Thumbnail – Display the thumbnail of the feed item.
  • Color themes – Options of multiple color themes out of the box. Customizable via CSS.
  • Different thumbnail positions (align left, right and cover)
  • Customizable ticker speed.
  • Different date formats for feed item (absolute and relative)
  • Supports RSS and atom feed.
  • Trim title and description text of the feed item.
  • Order feed items by date or random.

🌄 Display RSS feeds like

  • Your own website content like recent posts, comments, forum topics etc.
  • Articles, posts from related websites and share with your users.
  • Events, job listings etc. from other websites.
  • Deals, Craigslist, Google News RSS etc. You got it, any RSS feed on your site !

💎 PRO version

Super RSS reader has a PRO version which has more features to further enhance and to get more control of the RSS feed you display. With the PRO version you can enjoy below additional features included and also support the development of this plugin.

  • Shortcode – Display RSS feed anywhere in your website using [srr_feed]
  • Grid display – Display feed item in rows and columns
  • Paginated display – Display feed item in different pages with a pagination bar
  • Filter by keyword – Show/hide feed items based on keyword
  • Custom feed item template – Change order of feed item content, add HTML
  • Fetch thumbnail – Forcefully fetches the thumbnail from feed URL
  • Merge multiple feeds – Display multiple RSS feeds as one
  • 4 new color themes

More informationLive demo


Plug-in type: Bruger
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Plug-in type: Bruger
Error default: description
Plug-in type: Bruger

If you run a WordPress or BuddyPress installation, you probably know that some of the biggest administrative headaches come from the activation process. Activation emails may be caught by spam filters, deleted unwillingly, or simply not understood. Yet WordPress itself has no UI for viewing and managing unactivated members.

Unconfirmed creates a Dashboard panel under the Users menu (Network Admin > Users on Multisite) that shows a list of unactivated user registrations. For each registration, you have the option of resending the original activation email, or manually activating the user.

Note that the plugin works for the following configurations:
1. Multisite, with or without BuddyPress
2. Single site, with BuddyPress used for user registration

There is currently no support for single-site WP registration without BuddyPress.

Plug-in type: System


WordPress security requires a team of dedicated analysts researching the latest malware variants and WordPress exploits, turning them into firewall rules and malware signatures, and releasing those to customers in real-time. Wordfence is widely acknowledged as the number one WordPress security research team in the World. Our plugin provides a comprehensive suite of security features, and our team’s research is what powers our plugin and provides the level of security that we are known for.

At Wordfence, WordPress security isn’t a division of our business – WordPress security is all we do. We employ a global 24 hour dedicated incident response team that provides our priority customers with a 1 hour response time for any security incident. The sun never sets on our global security team and we run a sophisticated threat intelligence platform to aggregate, analyze and produce ground breaking security research on the newest security threats.

Wordfence Security includes an endpoint firewall, malware scanner, robust login security features, live traffic views, and more. Our Threat Defense Feed arms Wordfence with the newest firewall rules, malware signatures and malicious IP addresses it needs to keep your website safe. Rounded out by 2FA and a suite of additional features, Wordfence is the most comprehensive WordPress security solution available.


  • Web Application Firewall identifies and blocks malicious traffic. Built and maintained by a large team focused 100% on WordPress security.
  • [Premium] Real-time firewall rule and malware signature updates via the Threat Defense Feed (free version is delayed by 30 days).
  • [Premium] Real-time IP Blocklist blocks all requests from the most malicious IPs, protecting your site while reducing load.
  • Protects your site at the endpoint, enabling deep integration with WordPress. Unlike cloud alternatives does not break encryption, cannot be bypassed and cannot leak data.
  • Integrated malware scanner blocks requests that include malicious code or content.
  • Protection from brute force attacks by limiting login attempts.


  • Malware scanner checks core files, themes and plugins for malware, bad URLs, backdoors, SEO spam, malicious redirects and code injections.
  • [Premium] Real-time malware signature updates via the Threat Defense Feed (free version is delayed by 30 days).
  • Compares your core files, themes and plugins with what is in the repository, checking their integrity and reporting any changes to you.
  • Repair files that have changed by overwriting them with a pristine, original version. Delete any files that don’t belong easily within the Wordfence interface.
  • Checks your site for known security vulnerabilities and alerts you to any issues. Also alerts you to potential security issues when a plugin has been closed or abandoned.
  • Checks your content safety by scanning file contents, posts and comments for dangerous URLs and suspicious content.
  • [Premium] Checks to see if your site or IP have been blocklisted for malicious activity, generating spam or other security issue.


  • Two-factor authentication (2FA), one of the most secure forms of remote system authentication available via any TOTP-based authenticator app or service.
  • Login Page CAPTCHA stops bots from logging in.
  • Disable or add 2FA to XML-RPC.
  • Block logins for administrators using known compromised passwords.


  • Monitors all changes and actions in security-sensitive areas of the site.
  • Remote tamper-proof data storage via Wordfence Central.
  • Monitored actions range from user creation and editing to plugin/theme installation and updates to post and page changes.
  • Configurable to log all events or significant events only, which includes all authentication, site configuration, and site functionality events.


  • Wordfence Central is a powerful and efficient way to manage the security for multiple sites in one place.
  • Efficiently assess the security status of all your websites in one view. View detailed security findings without leaving Wordfence Central.
  • Powerful templates make configuring Wordfence a breeze.
  • Highly configurable alerts can be delivered via email, SMS or Slack. Improve the signal to noise ratio by leveraging severity level options and a daily digest option.
  • Track and alert on important security events including administrator logins, breached password usage and surges in attack activity.
  • Free to use for unlimited sites.


  • With Live Traffic, monitor visits and hack attempts not shown in other analytics packages in real time; including origin, their IP address, the time of day and time spent on your site.
  • Block attackers by IP or build advanced rules based on IP Range, Hostname, User Agent and Referrer.
  • Country blocking available with Wordfence Premium.
Plug-in type: Bruger
Error default: description
Plug-in type: Bruger

WordPress Mail SMTP Plugin

Is your WordPress site not sending emails? You’re not alone. 3+ million websites use WP Mail SMTP to send emails reliably.

Our goal is to make email deliverability easy so that your emails always reach the inbox.

WP Mail SMTP fixes your email deliverability issues by reconfiguring WordPress to use a proper SMTP provider when sending emails.

Best of all, our easy-to-use Setup Wizard and detailed documentation guide you through the process.

WP Mail SMTP is free and has everything you need to reliably send your WordPress emails!

WP Mail SMTP Pro unlocks even more powerful features like email logging, advanced email reporting and stats, backup connections, email alerts, smart conditional routing, and much more.

What is SMTP?

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is an industry-standard for sending emails. Proper SMTP configuration helps increase email deliverability by adding authentication to the emails sent from your site.

Popular email clients like Gmail, Yahoo, Office 365, and Zoho are in a constant battle with email spammers, so they check whether emails are originating from a genuine sender. If the proper authentication isn’t there, emails either go in the SPAM folder or, worse, disappear.

This is a problem for a lot of WordPress sites. By default, WordPress uses the PHP mail function to send emails generated by WordPress or any contact form plugin like WPForms.

But most WordPress hosting companies don’t have their servers properly configured for sending PHP emails.

This is why WordPress emails aren’t delivered.

How does WP Mail SMTP work?

WP Mail SMTP plugin easily resolves email delivery problems by changing the way your WordPress site sends email. We reconfigure the wp_mail() function to use proper SMTP host credentials or an SMTP mail provider.

With our built-in SMTP mail provider integrations (recommended), emails are sent using the provider’s direct API. Even if your web host is blocking SMTP ports, your emails will still be sent successfully.

This helps you fix all WordPress not sending email issues.

WP Mail SMTP plugin includes many different SMTP mailers:

  1. SendLayer (#1 Recommended)
  2. (Recommended)
  3. Brevo (formerly Sendinblue) SMTP (Recommended)
  4. Gmail SMTP (Gmail, Google Workspace, G Suite)
  5. Elastic Email
  6. Mailgun SMTP
  7. Mailjet SMTP
  8. SendGrid SMTP
  9. Postmark SMTP
  10. SparkPost SMTP
  11. SMTP2GO
  12. Microsoft SMTP One-Click Setup ( and Office 365) [Pro]
  13. Amazon SES SMTP [Pro]
  14. Zoho Mail SMTP [Pro]
  15. Other SMTP

For most options, you can specify the “from name” and “email address” for outgoing emails too.

All of these powerful features make WP Mail SMTP the best SMTP solution for WordPress.

If you don’t know which mailer to choose, see our Complete Guide to WP Mail SMTP Mailers.


SendLayer is our #1 recommended transactional email service.

Its affordable pricing and simple setup make it the perfect choice for sending emails from WordPress. It also has open and click tracking and email logs.

SendLayer is reliable, fast, and easy to set up. You can send hundreds of emails for free when you sign up for a trial.

Read our SendLayer documentation for more details.

SMTP.COM is a recommended transactional email service.

With over 22 years of email delivery expertise, has a reputation for being one of the most reliable senders on the internet.

You can start sending emails in minutes and benefit from 50,000 free emails in your first 30 days.

Read our documentation for more details.

Brevo (formerly Sendinblue) SMTP

Brevo is a recommended transactional email service. It serves 80,000+ companies worldwide.

Brevo is reliable, fast, and gives you 300 free emails per day.

Read our Brevo documentation for more details.


In addition to native Microsoft, Amazon SES, and Zoho Mail integrations, WP Mail SMTP Pro provides access to many other powerful features.

Click here to purchase WP Mail SMTP Pro now!

Email Log

Email logging is a powerful feature that keeps a record of all sent emails in WordPress. Email logging helps you to archive, audit, resend, or test email delivery and formatting.

Our WordPress email logs also include:

Email Log Details

Our email logs provide a complete history of all emails sent from WordPress. View the subject, sender, recipients, content, headers, open and click rates, delivery status, source plugin, and more!

Resend Emails

Resend emails individually or in bulk, whether they failed or were delivered successfully. You can also forward important emails to an alternative email address.

And many more Email Log Features

Store all email attachments, export email logs, print emails, see delivery status, and more.

Email Reports

Review weekly sent and failed emails in a dashboard chart.

Email reports make it easy to track deliverability and engagement. Open rates and click-through rates are grouped by subject line, making it easy to see the performance of your campaigns or notifications.

Weekly Email Summary

Get statistics about WordPress emails, including how many emails are being sent and which ones are being opened and clicked. The Summary also shows you deliverability statistics without the need to log in to WordPress to check them.

Track Email Opens and Clicks

View open and click stats for WordPress emails, grouped by subject line in your Email Report.

Email Alerts

If your emails stop sending, get notified instantly via Slack, Microsoft Teams, Discord, SMS/ Twilio, webhooks, or email (via secure API).

In combination with our email logging and resending features, Email Alerts ensure that no important email will ever be lost.

Backup Connection

Configure an extra connection that kicks in if your primary connection fails. WP Mail SMTP automatically detects connection issues and automatically switches to the backup mailer. It will also automatically retry emails that failed.

Smart Conditional Routing

Create criteria to send different types of emails using different mailers. Filter by the contents of the email Subject or Message, From or To addresses, the plugin that generated the email, and more.

This allows you to mix transactional and marketing providers to improve deliverability.

Rate Limiting

Control the number of emails your WordPress site sends in a specific amount of time so you stay within your SMTP provider’s rate limits.

WP Mail SMTP allows you to specify the maximum number of emails that will be sent every minute, hour, day, week, or month and automatically queues emails to stay within those limits.

Optimized Email Sending

Are emails slowing down your site? Let WP Mail SMTP queue your emails for better performance.

With optimized sending, emails are queued in the background and sent when your server has sufficient resources, avoiding bottlenecks that can slow down your site.

Manage WordPress Emails and Notifications

Control the default notifications WordPress sends. Use a simple switch to disable specific types of notifications if you don’t want to receive them.

WordPress Multisite

WordPress Multisite Network Settings

For users running a multisite network, save time with a centralized location to easily configure your SMTP settings for all sites.

Manage Multisite Email Logs Easily

Network Admins can view and manage email logs for subsites with easy switching and dashboard views.

Expert Support

We provide limited support on the forums. World-class one-on-one email support is available to WP Mail SMTP Pro users.

White Glove Setup

If you’re not sure how to fix your emails, sit back and relax. We’ll set up WP Mail SMTP for you!

White Glove Setup includes installation, configuration in WordPress, DNS configuration, full mailer setup, and testing. White Glove Setup is available for our recommended mailers: SendLayer, Brevo, and


WP Mail SMTP plugin was originally created by Callum Macdonald. It is now owned and maintained by the team behind WPForms – the best drag & drop form builder for WordPress.

You can try the free version of WPForms plugin to see why it’s the best in the market.

Plug-in type: System

Modern WordPress Membership Plugin for Ecommerce, Digital Downloads, User Profile, Registration & Login Form

ProfilePress is a powerful ecommerce and paid membership plugin for accepting one-time and recurring payments, selling subscriptions and digital products or digital downloads (downloadable files) via Bank Transfer, Stripe, PayPal, RazorPay, Mollie & Paystack, paywall & restrict content and control user access.

ProfilePress is the best Stripe (Credit Card), PayPal, RazorPay, Paystack & Mollie payment forms and WooCommerce membership plugin for to quickly accept payments, sell memberships and provide your users the ultimate member experience.

ProfilePress lets you create beautiful user profiles, member directories, frontend login, and user registration forms, member password reset and edit profile forms.

Our Drag-and-Drop form builder makes building forms easy. It is the perfect solution for creating online communities and membership sites where users can register or signup to become members.

Website | Addons | Documentation | Support

Excellent Membership Features

ProfilePress ecommerce plugin is suited for selling non-physical goods, including online courses, digital downloads, downloadable files, paid memberships, subscriptions, services, accepting donations, selling digital downloads, etc.

Our WordPress membership plugin is a perfect alternative to MemberPress, Paid Memberships Pro, MemberMouse, Thrive Apprentice, WishList Member, Ultimate Membership Pro and more!

Protect Registration Forms Against Banned Email Addresses

Prevent spam registrations and abuse by blocking user registration from a banned email address or email domain or restricting user registration to specific email addresses.

Multiple Payment Processors

Easily connect to Stripe (supports Stripe-hosted checkout page and on-site payment form), PayPal, RazorPay, Paystack, Mollie, Bank Transfer to collect payments.

Because we use the Stripe payment element, our integration gives your users the option to pay via Apple Pay, Google Pay, Microsoft Pay, Stripe Link, ACH Direct Debit, Alipay, Bancontact, Bank transfers, BLIK, EPS, FPX, Giropay, iDEAL, Sofort, P24, Affirm, Afterpay, Clearpay, Klarna, CashApp Pay, GrabPay, WeChat Pay, SEPA debit, Bacs Direct Debit and more.

Custom Frontend Forms

Create checkout page, member login form, user registration form, password reset and edit profile forms with our drag-and-drop builder.

  • Conversion Optimized Checkout Form – Let users make payments to you and subscribe to your membership plans.
  • User Registration Forms – Let users signup via a custom registration form.
  • Login & Password Reset Forms – Allow users to log in and reset their passwords via custom frontent forms.
  • User Dashboard – My Account page and edit profile forms for users to manage their profile details, account settings, change password and delete their account account.
  • Automatic Registration & Login Redirect – Auto login users after they register and redirect them after they sign in, log out and reset their passwords.

User Profiles & Member Directories

Add beautiful user profiles to your site that display your users’ profile pictures and information. And create searchable and filterable member directories allowing users to find each other on your membership website.

Drag-and-Drop Form Builder

We took out the pain of creating user profiles, member directories, and forms with our intuitive drag-and-drop builder.

Customisable Pre-Built Templates

ProfilePress comes with beautiful, customizable pre-built templates for user profiles, member directory, and forms to help you save even more time.

Access Control, Paywall & Content Restriction

Hide any article, post and content behind a paywall. With a few clicks, you can set up a WordPress paywall to protect members-only content.

It gives you control over what content your users can see based on your protection rules and shortcodes. You can restrict content including pages, child pages, posts, custom post types, categories, tags and custom taxonomies based on their membership plans, user roles, usernames, and logged-in status.

You can also control the visibility of navigation menus and widgets, modules & contents in the block editor, Elementor & Beaver Builder page builders.

Detailed Ecommerce & Membership Reports

We provide a complete reports section where you can Keep track of your earnings, refunds, sales, download logs and more. You can view and export reports for any period.

Login Redirect

Do you want to redirect WordPress users after login to a specific page or URL? This feature lets you setup login redirect based on user role and subscribed membership plan.

Email Customizer

Customize the email templates for each email that can be sent to users and administrators.

Tutor LMS Integration

Our Tutor LMS integration lets you sell access to Tutor LMS courses, enroll users after registration to specific courses and create custom student and instructor WordPress registration forms.

Other Payment & Membership Plugin Features

  • Accept one-time, recurring payments and charge for subscriptions via Bank Transfer, Stripe, PayPal, Paystack, RazorPay and Mollie.
  • Smart fraud protection & spam prevention on the user registration form, login form and checkout page.
  • Complete customer management to view and manage detailed records of all customers and their order history.
  • Collect EU Vat or Tax from your users with our ecommerce plugin depending on their location, with complete control over tax rates and who to charge.
  • Disable the admin bar and restrict access to the WordPress dashboard based on user roles.
  • Redirect the WordPress default login page (wp-login.php) to your custom login, registration page, and password reset pages.
  • Disable concurrent logins to prevent users from being logged into the same account from multiple computers at the same time.

Powerful Premium Features

Extend the capabilities of ProfilePress with our powerful addons and remove the additional 2% Stripe processing fee.

  • PayPal Checkout – Accept Visa, Mastercard, Venmo, Discover, iDEAL, American Express, Bancontact, BLIK, giropay, MyBank and Przelewy24 payments via PayPal.
  • RazorPay Checkout – Accept Credit/Debit cards, Netbanking, UPI, Wallets and more from Indian customers via RazorPay.
  • Mollie Checkout – Accept payments via Credit Card, iDEAL, SEPA Direct Debit, Apple Pay, PayPal, Klarna, Bancontact, Bank transfer & Gift Card with Mollie.
  • Paystack Checkout – Accept payments via Credit Card, Bank Transfer, Mobile Money, USSD and more with Paystack.
  • Custom Fields – Collect additional information from users besides the standard profile data during user registration and payment checkout.
  • Email Confirmation – Ensure registered users confirm their email addresses before they can sign in via the login form or social login.
  • User Moderation – Decide whether to approve newly registered users or not. You can also block and unblock users at any time.
  • Metered Paywall – Let guest and visitors view limited number of restricted content using the best leaky paywall plugin. Metered paywalls allows free readers to access a few articles before restricting the rest to subscribers only.
  • Invite Codes – Restrict WordPress registration to only users with invitation codes.
  • PDF Receipt – Allow customers to view, print and download as PDF, the receipt or invoice of their orders after payment.
  • Social Login – Let users checkout, register & login to your site with social login via Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Microsoft, Amazon, GitHub, VK and
  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) – Adds an additional layer of security to users accounts by requiring more than just a password to log in.
  • Passwordless Login – Let users log in to your site via a one-time URL sent to their email addresses.
  • WooCommerce Memberships & Integration – Create WooCommerce membership sites, members-only discounts and stores, manage WooCommerce billing and shipping fields, replace WooCommerce login and edit account forms in checkout and “My Account” pages with that of ProfilePress.
  • LearnDash – Sell access to LearnDash courses and groups, enroll users after signup via a custom LearnDash registration form, and let users view their enrolled courses on the My Account page.
  • LifterLMS – Sell access to LifterLMS courses and memberships, enroll users after signup via a custom LifterLMS registration form, and let users view their enrolled courses on the My Account page.
  • Sensei LMS – Sell access to Sensei LMS courses and groups, enroll users after registration, and let users view their enrolled courses on the My Account page.
  • Google reCAPTCHA – Protect your user registration, login, checkout and password reset forms against spam and bot attacks.
  • Site Creation – Allow users to create new sites on a multisite network via a user registration form powered by ProfilePress.
  • Mailchimp – Subscribe members to your Mailchimp audiences after they register, made a purchase and payment, subscribe to membership plans and automatically sync profile changes with Mailchimp.
  • Campaign Monitor – Subscribe members to your Campaign Monitor lists when they register, subscribe to membership plans via checkout form, and automatically sync profile changes with Campaign Monitor.
  • BuddyBoss/BuddyPress Profile Sync – This addon provides 2-way synchronization between WordPress profile fields and BuddyBoss/BuddyPress extended profile.
  • Join BuddyPress Groups – Let users select the BuddyBoss/BuddyPress groups to join during registration.
  • Akismet – Block spam and bot user registrations with Akismet and keep your membership site safe and secured.
  • Polylang – Build multilingual login, registration, password reset, and edit profile forms.

ProfilePress is the Ecommerce platform and WooCommerce memberships plugin of your dreams. It delivers a complete experience with everything needed for selling digital products online.

If you’re looking to build a business out of your membership site by creating paid memberships, there’s no better way than to use ProfilePress membership plugin which provide the ultimate member experience and will help you start and profit from your WordPress membership sites.

What’s Next

If you like this plugin, then consider checking out our other products:

  • MailOptin – Create popups and optin forms for capturing email newsletter subscribers. Integrates with Mailchimp, ConvertKit, Infusionsoft, ActiveCampaign, Campaign Monitor, Constant Contact & more.
  • FuseWP – Connect wordPress to marketing platforms and sync users to your email list.
  • FeedbackWP – Add star rating to WordPress posts and collect user feedbacks.

Links og URLs

Hvordan skaffer man sig et URL og kan det spises?

URL står for Universal Resource Locator og det lyder fornemt. Det dækker i virkeligheden over En Måde at beskrive Hvor Ting er Henne.
Det kan være eller mailto:// Det har simpelthen altid formen protokol://hvor-kan-det-findes.henne.

linksogurls1Lad os bruge resultatsiden på Distrikt Nordjyllands hjemmeside. Der er et URL som hedder

Men hvordan finder man så lige det??? Hvor kom det fra?

Ok – lad os prøve. Distrikt Nordjylland er klub nr 4100. Du burde kende din klubs nummer. Hvis ikke så skal jeg skrive en ny artikel om hvordan du finder den.
Nå men altså: I din webbrowser går du til – her en en link.
Vælg så “Turneringer”.
Til sidst ankommer du til den side som du gerne vil kende URL på. Og nu kommer det svære og jeg vil ikke forklare hvorfor det er nødvendigt på DBfs side, men det er det altså: Du skal venstre klikke på et in-aktivt sted på den del af siden du ønsker – se billedet til højre:
Derefter højre-klikker du samme sted. og så får du en menu på skærmen. OK diner på dansk – min er på engelsk men det er altså ligegyldigt. Det, som er vigtigt her, er at der angives at du kan se denne del af hjemmesiden på en ny fane.
Hvis du kikker i denne fane vil du se resultaterne renset for DBf’s logo og menustruktur. Du kikker faktisk direkte ind i den anden ende af BridgeCentralen. Jeg vil overlade til din fantasi at afgøre hvilken ende.
I mit tilfælde fandt jeg siden
I toppen af min webbrowser finder jeg så:
Tillykke: Det er det URL du leder efter.


Hvis vi nu vil bruge det URL vi fandt så kunne det f.eks være sådan her: Der findes en ShortCode med navnet iframe. Iframe lægger en hjemmeside inden i en anden. Den har formen (iframe width=”xxx” heighth=”yyy” src=”zzz”)  hvor parenteserne skal udskiftes med skarpe parenteser og xxx med det antal pixels der skal bruges på tværs og yyy det antal pixels som skal bruges på højkant. zzz er så det URL vi fandt før.
(iframe width=”900″ height=”500″ src=””) bliver med skarpe parenteser til:
For eksemplets skyld er højden ikke angivet ret stor så der er klipning af den fremmede side, men det er bare at ændre talene – eller slå scrolling til. Gør man det så kommer der scroll-barer på i siden.

Shortcodes Ultimate

er et plug-in som tilbyder en masse funktionalitet. En slags lommekniv til alle formål.

shortcodes-ultimateshortcodes-ultimate-menuPlug-in aktiveres ved at trykke på symbolet som du kan se på billedet her til højre. Du vil så få en liste over mulige funktioner . Den menu kan du se til højre.

Her kommer så eksempler på alle de funktioner jeg bruger. det er ikke mange og jeg skal nok forsøge at lave flere.

HEADING: Styled Heading

Dette er en “Styled Heading

FRAME: Styled image frame



Tabs er en todelt affære. Der kan jo være mange tabs så derfor kan du definere flere tabs efter hinanden. Men der skal defineres en ramme rundt om dem. Det kaldes en “Container”. Det skal altså se ud som:

Skråstregen foran koden betyder “slut”. Nuvel. I levende live ser det således ud:

“[“su_tab title=”Tab-1”]
Tab indhold 1
“[“su_tab title=”Tab-2”]
Tab indhold 2
“[“su_tab title=”Tab-3”]
Tab indhold 3
“[“su_tab title=”Tab-4”]
Tab indhold 4

“[” er naturligvis bare en [, men hvis jeg skriver [ så bliver aktivt og ser pludselig således ud:

Tab indhold 1
Tab indhold 2
Tab indhold 3
Tab indhold 4

Man kan også bede om at få vertikale tabs:

Tab indhold 1
Tab indhold 2
Tab indhold 3
Tab indhold 4


Tryk på + for at se den skjulte tekst
Denne tekst var skjult


Indholdet vises kun hvis man er logget ind:

This content is for registered users only. Please login.


Indholdet vises kun hvis du ikke er logget ind

Du er ikke logget ind


mere når jeg får tid

Farver og farvevalg

Der er gule og grønne og store og små,
jeg ønsker jeg ku få den store blå.

At vælge farver til hjemmesiden kan deles i to problemer: At finde farverne og problemet at få dem anvendt på siden. Dette indlæg handler om at finde farverne.

Farve skemaer
eller som de kaldes på vestjydsk: “Color Schemes”. Google det og du finder en masse. Jeg anvender selv som er et online værktøj. Jeg anvender det i den mode som hedder “accented analogic”. Jeg skal have lavet en video af hvordan det fungerer, men du kan altså få oversigter over mulige harmoniske farvevalg samt deres web-værdier. Web-værdier har formen #123456 hvor tegnet # betyder hexadecimal og de første to tal/bogstaver er den røde komponent. derefter følger grøn og blå med hver to tal/bogstaver. Når man indsætter det i temaet så skifter farverne på skærmen.
Jeg har 4 farveskemaer til distriktets hjemmeside. Et for hver af de fire årstider.

Ikke færdig endnu